Hui-chun Chen (Claire)
Hui-chun Chen accomplished her BA in English at National Taiwan Normal University in 1997. Soon after that, she started to teach English in secondary schools. She then continues her interest in languages by completing the MA programme in Linguistics at the University of Manchester and submitted her dissertation related to conversation analysis and social network on the web talks in 2002. She is now finishing her PhD thesis titled 'Code-switching in conversation: a case study of Taiwan' at the same university. Her research interests mainly focus on: bilingualism/multilingualism, language contact, language maintenance & language shift, code-switching/ code-mixing, conversation analysis, discourse analysis, discourse markers, the ethnography of communication and language choice models.
Publications and Talks:
- 2006. Communicative strategies and intentions in the usage of code-switching between Taiwanese and Mandarin: through the examination of two different kinds of TV programmes. Paper presented at the 16th Sociolinguistic Symposium, Limerick, Ireland, 6th - 8th July.